We were greeted by João Magalhães down the street from his apartment in Santos, skateboard on one hand, the other juggling a vast bouquet of flowers.

Raised between Lisbon and London, but eventually settling here after an extensive tour of Europe’s best after parties, the young designer has established himself as one of the outstanding talents of the local fashion scene, storming his way through with his enviable mix of affirmative style and feather touch charm.
His vision for his work is in perfect tune with his posture in all aspects of public life, and his home is no exception: Barry Lyndon and Blade Runner in perfectly eccentric harmony.
“Our clothing should be more about a reflection of the books we have at home, the music we listen to, and how we position ourselves politically, rather than abiding to a set of rules that is specific to a determined time, but is in fact ever changing”
And as he finishes that sentence the Playstation beeps and we play a bit of Final Fantasy.
Pictures by Pedro Alfacinha