Catching up with Matilde Travassos

”You cannot understand good design if you do not understand people, design is made for people” Dieter Rams said once. We wouldn’t have said it better: it is this curiosity for people and their choices that drives us, as we aim to design furniture that is truly valuable in everyday life.

We felt this was not evidently noticeable in the way we’ve been promoting our products, and  that a broader, more contextual illustration of our furniture was needed. We wanted to look at our products as part of the life of the people they were designed for, the people around us that inspire our brand, in one way or another.

So it is only fitting to ask our friend Pedro Alfacinha to produce these series of images.

As so many times in our lives, Matilde Travassos’ house is our starting point. A great conductor of so many friendships, we admire her and we share with her many interests. Matilde has a wonderful career in fashion, first as a photographer and now as a designer: she is starting a classy clothes brand for kids with a nostalgia vibe called Jangada. She could be described as extremely practical, funny, with a supreme eye for style and a never look back attitude towards life: “My house is four walls, that’s it. Everything else is always moving around.”


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